Sunday, November 9, 2008

We're Now In Our 2008/9 Winter Home!

Finally, we got back on the road late Thursday after leaving Fyda Freightliner in Barkeyville PA (off I81 just east of I79). If you ever need service on your motorhome, I recommend this establishment - they're friendly, competent and reasonable.

We spent the night on Thursday in Summersville WV in a Wal*Mart parking lot and another night as guests of Sam Walton on Friday night in Brunswick GA. We also met up and had refreshments with friends from Cambridge who are staying on Jekyll Island in GA for a couple of months (and happen to have exactly the same motorhome that we have).

Then Saturday morning we were off to Nettles Island in Jensen Beach FL, our home for the winter. We unloaded the trailer of its vehicles (motorcycle, Smart car) and put it all in place. Picture attached above!

Now to relax for the rest of the day. Time enough during the week to clean up and put everything away.

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